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Make a SMART Resolution for 2022

Make a SMART Resolution for 2022

Dec. 29, 2021

By Jhanvee Patel

​Another year ends, and another year starts.

As 2021 becomes a year of the past, it is time to reflect on the last 365 days. What was your highlight of the year? What do you remember the most? Why was that important to you? What was your lowest point of the year? Why did you feel that way?

What are some adjustments you wish you made?

New Year’s resolutions are common. Many don’t believe they can make a difference. However, it is possible. You just need the mentality to stick to your self-growth. After taking a hard look at the state of your 2021, come up with one goal you want to work toward to be more content.

After nearly two years of living in a pandemic and health concerns, I encourage you to in
particular look at what you need for a healthier life.

Once you have your goal. Make it SMART, a tactic often used in professional settings to obtain results.

First, make your goal Specific. You want to be healthier. What specific adjustment can you
make to work toward this? Maybe you want to exercise more. Specifically, you can make a goal to walk more or go to the gym. Maybe you want a better diet. Specifically, you can cut out junk food or eat balanced meals.

Second, make your goal Measurable. If you want to walk more, you can aim for 10,000 steps a day, the recommended number for adults to stay active. If you want to join the gym, you can aim to go a three or four times a week.

Third, make your goal Achievable. If you want to cut out junk food, think of the steps you can take. You can stop buying junk food. You can limit how much you eat out. You can come up with a list of healthier snacks that you would enjoy and make sure you have those on hand.

Fourth, make your goal Relevant. If you truly want to pursue a resolution, you must want to do it. It must matter to you. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with supportive individuals.

Fifth, make your goal Time-bound. Evaluate yourself at intervals. In one month, where do you want to be. If you want to work toward 10,000 steps a day, maybe start off by going on a walk after work twice a week. In a month, if you feel successful, you can try for four times a week. Before you know it, you can make hitting those 10,000 steps a near-daily habit.

If you want to read more about SMART goals, here is a resource.

Personally, I want to eat healthier next year. Specifically, I want to eat more nutritious meals that keep my energized throughout the day.

My SMART New Year’s resolution is to start packing my own lunches. I am going to start meal prepping on Sundays for Monday and Tuesday lunches. After seeing how it goes for January, I am going to try to expand my prep for Wednesday and Thursday.

Join me in my effort to making a shift to a stronger and healthier lifestyle with your own New Year’s resolution.

As 2022 approaches, it is important to remember 2021. It has been a year of perseverance. You survived a pandemic. Celebrate! Stay safe and healthy in the new year!

Jhanvee Patel is a public information office intern at Monongalia County Health Department.





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