To report a disease or to seek advice on how to deal with an infectious disease, call Monongalia County Health Department between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday at 304-598-5172. To reach an epidemiologist after hours about an emergency reportable disease (see below), call 304-680-4357.
The West Virginia Office of Epidemiology provides a list of reportable diseases in West Virginia. These specific incidents, such as an animal bite, or diseases, such as measles, that occur in Monongalia County should be reported to Monongalia County Health Department. These diseases should be reported within a certain time frame. Below is a list of diseases and incidents that should be reported either immediately or within 24 hours. Individuals who want to report a disease that requires a 72-hour window or longer can wait and call 304-598-5172 during normal office hours.
Click here for a pdf of the chart below.