All food establishments that are new, being renovated or have a change of ownership must go through the plan review process. This starts with filling out a plan review application:
All food establishments are required to follow West Virginia 64 CSR 17 – The Legislative Rule for Food Establishments. This rule also incorporates the 2013 FDA Food Code by reference. It is recommended that you download and keep a copy of the legislative rules and the 2013 FDA Food Code at your establishment.
Once plans are approved, you must schedule an inspection with a sanitarian. They will inspect your food establishment to make sure that it meets the 2013 FDA Food Code and that it can be operated in a safe and sanitary manner.
Every food establishment must have at least one person that is a Certified Food Protection Manager. If the Food Protection Manager is not on duty, there must be someone in charge at the facility who has completed Monongalia County Health Department's online Person-In-Charge (PIC) class. All employees must have a current Food Handler's Card.
Go to the Food Safety Training Page for additional information.