Vaccines for Children Program (VCP) is for children ages 18 and younger who are uninsured, underinsured (whose insurance does not cover immunization) or American Indian or Alaskan Native. Children who are enrolled in West Virginia Medicaid and West Virginia CHIP also qualify for this program.
All vaccines for children and adolescents are available through the Vaccines for Children Program, a federally funded program that provides vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices (ACIP) and approved by the Centers of Disease, Control and Prevention (CDC).
Baby vaccines
- The first few years of your child's life are full of many memories, as well as numerous vaccinations. To learn what to get and when, visit the CDC for a customized vaccine schedule.
- When kindergarten registration time rolls around it will be time for those crucial booster shots. To see what the state of West Virginia requires for school entry visit the state's requirement page.
- Just because they have grown doesn't mean your teens no longer need vaccinations. Your 7th graders will need a dose of Tdap and meningitis, while 12th graders need a meningitis booster. Also recommended for all teens is the HPV series.