The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all sexually active people get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), at least once in their lifetimes, and more often depending on certain factors.
Low-cost STI testing at Monongalia County Health Department is available regardless of income or insurance status. Free treatment or referrals, depending on the STI, is available.
An appointment is required to be seen. Our public health nurses are friendly, non-judgmental and have received Safe Zone training through WVU's LGBTQ+ Center. Services are confidential.
For information on these services or to make an appointment call 304-598-5119.
Screening available for:
Physician evaluations
- Evaluation and treatment of various STIs including genital herpes as well as genital warts, also called HPV, is available by appointment. Many types of HPV can be avoided with a vaccine. Monongalia County Health Department now also offers HIV PrEP, which helps prevent HIV.
- Should a test come back positive for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea, free treatment is available. Treatment can also be obtained for partners of those with positive cases at no cost. Referrals can be made for HIV treatment.