Monongalia County Health Department coordinates with the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health to prevent the spread of tuberculosis (TB). The program works to identify all cases of active and latent TB in the community and ensure treatment.
The tuberculosis program provides evaluation and treatment for all active tuberculosis cases, as well as follow-up evaluation and testing for their contacts. The program provides chest X-rays and treatment for positive tuberculin reactors when required. Many services are provided at low or no cost, based on medical necessity.
TB skin testing and T-SPOT blood test are available by appointment only. Please call 304-598-5119 to schedule an appointment.
- TB skin testing
- TB low-risk letter (TB screening and documentation of low risk for employment)
- Blood testing (T-spot) for individuals unable to receive the skin test
- Chest X-rays for those who qualify
- Physician evaluation
- Medications and monitoring
- Case investigation and follow-up