Vendors at a farmers market that sell foods that require temperature or time control for safety (TCS food), such as cheesecake that would need to be refrigerated, or that prepare food at the farmers market are required to obtain a Food or Retail Permit for a Farmer’s Market from the health department.
There are three types of farmers market vendor permit:
- Retail – Vendor that sells packaged and bottled TCS Foods
- Consignment – Vendor (third party) that sells packaged and bottled TCS foods for other vendors.
- Food Service – Vendor that prepares and sells food at the farmers market.
All food service vendors must have a Certified Food Protection Manager and all staff should have a current food handler's card. Food safety training is recommended for retail and consignment permits.
Go to the Food Safety Training Page for additional information.
A Farmers Market Vendor Permit is valid at only at farmers markets locations in Monongalia County.
A Temporary Food Establishment Permit is required if you plan to set up at any other event or location outside of a farmers market.
Note: This section does not apply to mobile food units at farmer's markets.
Vendors that sell produce and non-TCS packaged and bottled foods are exempt from permitting. However, these products may have specific labeling or other requirements for retail sale. Refer to the Farmers Market Vendor Guide or contact the West Virginia Department of Agriculture at 304-558-3550.