Environmental Health helps to protect the health of the citizens of Monongalia County by regulating the food, water, land, public spaces and businesses of Monongalia County.
If you’ve eaten in a restaurant or gotten take-out, gone swimming in a pool, stayed in a hotel, attended school, gotten a tattoo or body piercing or eaten a hamburger at a fair or a football game, MCHD Environmental Health sanitarians have conducted an inspection of the facility as we continue to keep our community safe.

All Program Services
- Bake Sales & Non-Profit Organizations
- Campground Inspections
- Clean Indoor Air
- Disaster Sanitation
- Farmers Market Vendor Inspections
- Food
- Food Safety
- Food Safety Training
- Food and Retail Establishment Permits
- Housing and Institutions
- Mobile Food Units
- Pools
- Rabies Control
- Radon
- Recreation
- Septic and Wells
- Tanning
- Tattoo and Body Piercing Studio Inspections
- Temporary Food Worker Cards
- Vector Control – Ticks, Mosquitoes, etc.
- Vending Machines
Document Station
News & Announcements
MCHD to begin teaching well-known ServSafe food manager course
Press ReleaseMar. 5, 2024 - MCHD to begin teaching well-known Serv-Safe food manager course MORGANTOWN, WV (March 5, 2024) —Monongalia County Health Department has added a second food m...
Continue Reading →Monongalia County Health Department offers $85 radon testing in January
Press ReleaseDec. 27, 2023 - MCHD offering $85 radon testing in January MORGANTOWN, WV (Dec. 27, 2023) — If you reside in Monongalia County or nearby, you live in a radon zone. Nationall...
Continue Reading →Pet owners: Watch out for rabies vaccine baits in Monongalia County
Press ReleaseAug. 16, 2023 - Pet owners: Watch out for rabies vaccine baits in Monongalia County MORGANTOWN, WV (Aug. 16, 2023) — Monongalia County residents, especially those with pets t...
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